October 22, 2024

Home Hunt

Yes, we are still stuck inside… We need things to do inside! The old standbys are getting a little too old. I created this home scavenger hunt that can be used in your home and my home. The original idea came from my girlfriend Whitney. I tweaked it to make it a little different.

Click here to Print these cards. Cut them up. Keep one…

Here’s how it works:

Let’s say, you keep the laundry room one in your pocket. Then hide the rest. It would look like this..

Keep the Laundry Room card (this will be the first card you give to start the game) and hide the fireplace card in the laundry room.

Hide the front door card on the fireplace.

Hide the kitchen table card by the front door.

Hide the closet card by the kitchen table.

(so you are hiding the card they go to next)

Place all card in appropriate places.

(for the last area, you can leave a little treat if you choose!)

Once you have all the cards in place. Give the first card which will direct them where to go for the next card. In the case above, you would give the laundry room card. When they go into the laundry room, they would find the fireplace card. Next they would go to the fireplace where they would find the front door card. Off to the front door they go to find the kitchen table card. So on and so on… Keep them busy and active.

My son loved this and was very quick running around the house getting all the cards. He wanted to play again and again.

My daughter on the other hand, wanted to play but was not quick enough… so I tweaked this to make it multi age.

I printed out three sets of cards. I cut one set for my son, one set for my daughter and kept one sheet uncut as a key. While my son was doing the regular hunt,

I laid all the cards my daughter had on the floor for my daughter and had her match the card on the sheet. She had fun picking up the cards and putting them over the match on the sheet.