July 27, 2024

In Love With The Gingerbread Baby!!

Both of my kiddos love Jan Brett’s story the Gingerbread Baby. In September Jan Brett released a sequel to her Gingerbread Baby called Gingerbread Friends.

In the Gingerbread Baby, Mattie made the Gingerbread Baby a house to live in. In this sequel, The Gingerbread Baby is lonely and needs a friend. Where should he look to find a friend? Find out when you read about his Gingerbread Friends adventure. The Gingerbread Baby is found looking for a friend to live in the house Mattie made for him. Along the way he realizes that not all cookies want to be his friend and that sometimes home is a safe place to be. Jan Brett makes me want a Gingerbread Friend in this delicious new book! Children just eat this story up with the colorful illustrations. You can spend so much time looking at the beautiful pictures with your children. It is fun to watch Mattie at work in the side illustrations which you will find in many Jan Brett books. This is a must read for the holiday season and will be found on many k-3 classroom shelves. Be sure to check out Jan Brett’s site for extensions to match this book!

More Fun With Gingerbread:
-The Story on You Tube of the Gingerbread Man
-Ideas from Teaching Heart
See Jan Brett Read and Draw Gingerbread Baby
Decorate Gingerbread House
Design Your Own Gingrebread Friend
***Sorting Gingerbread & Snow Friends – The student cuts out various pictures of snowmen and then sorts them on a sorting sheet (k-2). The student answers question independently (1-2) about their sorting sheet.
-More From Jan Brett