October 23, 2024

Off to Kindergarten

My little man starts Kindergarten tomorrow. It’s hard to believe this day is already here & he really was THAT little. I wish his little start to becoming a big guy goes smoothly. May God be by his side and watch him when I am not around. May he remember all the things we have taught him about being kind and polite. May he find a special friend. May his little start to big boy life be a good one!!!

To Zachary:

I wonder what you will be doing on your first day

and if everyone will treat you kind.

I hope there is a special person,

a nice friend that you can find.

I wonder if the teacher will know just

how special you are to Daddy & me.

And if the brightness of your heart is something she will be able to see.

I wonder if you will think about me

and if you will need my hug.

I know I will miss the sound of your voice

and how you often give my leg a tug.

I wonder if you could possibly understand

how hard it is for me to let you grow.

On this day know that my heart breaks

for this is the first step in letting my baby go.

Love, Mommy!