March 14, 2025

Rolling Out Treats and Fun With Idioms.

It has been a rainy weekend here in the Pittsburgh area. I told my daughter yesterday that I wish it would stop raining cats and dogs. She looked at me funny and said… “It is raining water not cats and dogs, Mommy!” I explained to her that I was just saying something silly. My son […]

Week of Reads – Click, Clack Mooooooo #3

All week I will feature a favorite book with some activities to match. Third Up is Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type Before Reading:-Discuss ways we (humans) communicate with each other: Email, Telephone, Talk, Write, Type… -Now Discuss ways in which animals communicate: bark, jump, yelp, -Ask your students if they have pets? How do […]

YOU can live through a LONG car trip!!!

I thought it would be a great idea to revisit traveling with kids, since I am getting ready to spend about 30 hours in the car… Don’t worry, I am an old pro! Thought I would take a moment to share some great links. I have big plans to share my traveling with kids tips […]

Get Your Lucky Charms Game Free To Print

I am very much into tricking my kiddos into learning. I did it when I was a teacher and I continue to do it with my own children. My job today is to create standard based activities that make learning those state standards fun! I love creating these fun activities for my kiddos and students […]

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