July 16, 2024

Christmas Show & Tell at Tip Junkie

Tip Junkie is one of my favorite blogs. It was one of the first blogs I started reading when I first got interested in Blogs. Laurie does an amazing job of showing off her stuff and the stuff of other bloggers. I have been lucky to be featured on her site a few times. Right now over at Tip Junkie is a very nice list of Christmas posts. It definitely is a bookmark to look at next year for inspiration. Click here to check it out!

Here are my faves from the list…

A Candy Cane Chandelier

I love hanging this from my chandelier. This is cute, creative, and pretty simple… Bonus, inexpensive if you buy those candy canes on sale now.

Tidy Mom (Dollar Store Holiday Decorating)

Keeping with inexpensive, check out how well this Tidy Mom used dollar store goodies to decorate. Lovely!

Santa Inspired Crafts – Somedaycrafts – Lots of very cute ideas here.

Another great Mr. Linky with Christmas Ideas Galore cane be found here at Ramblings of a Crazy Women.