February 15, 2025

Halloween is gone & Christmas is Coming…

Halloween was so great this year. The weather was fantastic and my Darth & Minnie both had so much fun Trick or Treating. Then we ended the night at the neighbors by the fire pit. The kids watched a projected movie outside while the parents drank spiked apple cider. Great way to end a great night. It kept mommy away from the candy dish!

When I got home from the neighborhood party I was a little sad. Halloween always marks the end of my favorite season… fall ! Then starts me thinking about all the things I want to do before Christmas. Luckily I had the chance to remember fall by myself today.

My husband was away on business most of last week (including the weekend) and I felt it my right today to spend the day doing whatever I wanted while he watched the kids. I will probably try to see if I can get away with it on Sunday by reminding him that he will be away again in a few days. Anyhow, alone time was great today… I got Teaching Heart orders shipped, shopped, spent time catching up with friends, shopped, and read! While I was shopping I started to see the Halloween stuff coming off the shelves very quickly and the little store elves replacing the Halloween loot with Christmas loot. My mind started to race… Today all the Halloween stuff is 75% off, by Monday we will start seeing Christmas commercials and carols will be playing on the radio. My holiday to-do list is flashing in my head.

Make it stop!!!!

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