March 29, 2025

Optional Seating Finds on Amazon

I have desks in my classroom with traditional chairs, but I like to have other places for my students to sit throughout the day. Sometimes they get to make a choice of where they sit. Over the years I have tried out many types of chairs for small groups or optional seating time. Below are three tried and true seats from my classroom. Students love the option of sitting in something besides their desks! Here are some great chairs that will last you for years to come.

I love both of these sets of chairs above for my classroom. The little green ones I have had for about three years. I love that they are smaller. I fit in them and so do my third graders, but they are small enough that you can get more people around standard tables with these. They come in a set of six.

The white stools above are awesome. I use to buy the IKEA stools and they broke ever year… these are so sturdy and they never break and hold up so well. To me it is worth spending a little more to have them last longer.

The scoop chairs seen above are another set of chairs that last and last!!! I have had these 8 years and they still look new. My third graders love the option to sit in these during the school day!

You can see another chair in the picture . That is not from Amazon. That is the IKEA chairs and those hold up super well too. I have those in my classroom library nook and they are well loved!!! I have linked to them below, but I think they are less expensive if you go to IKEA.

Hope these chair ideas inspire you to get some flexible/optional seating in your classroom!!

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