March 28, 2025

50th Day of School Centers?

I know, I know…  most of us have not had the 1st day of school and I want to talk about the 50th day…  Sorry – but chances are on the 50th day I will be too busy to write this post and I

want to share my resources with you before the big TPT sale on the 1st and 2nd.  50th day PACKETBy the time kids enter third grade they have over celebrated the 100th day…  so I focus on the 50th day of third grade with lots of fun activities.  Activities that are fun, but educational too!!!  Best way to learn is through fun!  I am going to tell you a little bit about the fun below… but if you are already sold on the idea that you want to make the 50th day of school great for your students…  download my packet now at a low price (by the time the 50th day rolls around the price will not be as low – so get it now).  CLICK HERE !

I like to run 50th day centers on the 50th day.  Each center lasts 20 min. with 5 min. in-between for transitions to the next station.  I typically reserve the afternoon of the 50th day for these activities…  before I start centers, we make root beer floats to enjoy!  After that we start our sock hop of fun!  Below you can see how I rotate my students through my four centers.  I include a blank template with this set.  You can add the names you would like on the template. 
50's rotation

At the end of the year when we write about our favorite memories of third grade, this is always a hit to write about!!!

On the 50th Day, students fill out and create a little book as they go to each center.  Below is the cover to the 11 page book that is easy to print in the packet.  

50th day PACKET2

Print the book front to back and your students are set to sock hop around the room to the centers you set up.  I give you four lesson plans for each center with printables and media links to match.  It is everything you need to make the 50th day rock in your second, third, or fourth grade classroom.  I wanted this packet to be geared to upper primary grades since that is hard to find online….

50th day PACKET3Above is a picture of the sock hop passport page in the book that gives a little information about the centers.

Click here to download the 50th day set for your classroom.  Print and go!!!  

This file contains ideas to run a fun 50th Day in your classroom. I have done this in my third grade classroom for the past two years and have created a set of activities that are fun and educational. Bonus is that I have used them all with ease and great success.  These files share how I make the 50th day memorable for the kids and easy for me. Also, I share the 11 printables I have created to make this day a blast from the past!! This packet includes 4 center ideas to use on the 50th Day in your classroom. I explain how to run an afternoon of fun 50th Day centers as well as other ideas and resources for the day. You can choose to use all the activities or just a few. The file contains a printable mini book that the students take to their centers with them. If you would rather not run centers, you can use the book with whole group and complete each activity you choose as a class. Pictures and many details are included in this set.

Copyright 2018 C. Gallagher @

fifty, fifty days of school, 50, STEM

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