March 28, 2025

ABC End of Year Countdown…

We are enjoying the last few days of second grade with a fun ABC countdown.  A small portion of our day is devoted to our letter countdown.  My kiddos are well behaved but this keeps them in check the last few days.  They know they have to so well during the day to get to the countdown fun.   My class is journaling about each activity on each day and the journals are turning out so cute…  I just love them.  They have a rubric they follow and the journal will be their final writing grade.  Have to share what we have so far. The write ups below explain what we did for each day!   When summer comes I will share more when I have more time…

A is for autographs and animals!


B is for Bubbleswpid-photogrid_1463962559605.jpgC is for Craft Day!

wpid-photogrid_1463962702361.jpgD is for Donut Day!PhotoGrid_1463962824472

E is for Experiment Day

PhotoGrid_1463962922740F is for Fun Friday on a Monday

G is for Game and Gatorade Day


H is for Hawaiian Hula Hoop Day


I is for Ice-cream Daywpid-photogrid_1463963354681.jpg

J is for Jigsaw Day


K is for King Day


L is for Lollipop day


M is for Mega Science Day


N is for no homework and new name day!


We did O is for Origami on Friday and on Monday we will do P is for Paper Airplane Day…  I will share those later!



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