February 22, 2025

Gift of Reading Exchange

I shared this idea a few years ago from my son’s third grade teacher.  Now, my daughter was lucky enough to get the same teacher for third.  I just love this idea, I had to share it again!!!

First she sent home a letter explaining that each student would be sharing the gift of reading with a first grader.  They would be selecting a book to read to the first graders.  After they read the book they would be giving them a gift to open that would contain small items that matched the story they read.   They were to bring five items to school that matched the story in a unwrapped box.

You can see an image of the letter sent home this year below (instead of a box like my son’s year, they are using a gift bag)…

Gift of Reading Hobbs

My son’s book was The Magic Hockey Stick.  You can read more about his gift here! 

Can you guess what book my daughter selected this year by the props she will be sharing?

Gift of Reading PropsAny guesses?

I’ll let you think on that one…

Isn’t this such a great idea to bring the love of reading into your school community during the Holiday season?  I surely think so!!!  Perhaps you can start this tradition with your classes in the future!

Ok, have you guessed what book the props display???   Does Rocket ring a bell…???  Rocket what???

Gift of Reading Rocket Wriites a Story!

Now you see, Rocket Writes a Story!!!   If you have read the story you know that Rocket loves to read words and he places sticky notes on the trees…  eventually in this story he writes about an OWL!

My daughter’s teacher also happens to be one of the authors of the book below.  Great program if you are interested in literature circles and getting your students to grow to love reading by showing elementary students the benefits of books through the PIE program—Personalized, Independent, Enrichment—teachers and librarians can motivate them to keep reading for the best reason: they’ve learned to love it.

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