February 22, 2025

Get Buggy With…

Teaching Heart is filled with free bug themed ideas for Preschool, Kindergarten, and First Grade which I will share below…

But did you know about the BUG BUNDLE?  It’s a great way to get all our bug themed packets for a very low price!  It’s a huge hit and you might as well get them all, because teachers love them and so will you!
Normally if purchased separately, all the items below would cost you over $40.  You can purchase the set for $27.00 !   Save over $13.00!!!  Click here to purchase!

Teaching Heart Bug Bundle - HUGE Set!!!

Look at all you get in this set:  Bee Themed Learning Games, Math, Reading, and Craft Activities, Bee Themed Calendar and Classroom Forms, Bug, Insect, & Caterpillar – Math, Reading, Literacy,  Activities, Centers, Apron, Caterpillar Butterfly Life Cycle Activities, Ladybug, Lady bug Life Cycle and Math and Reading Activities, + Bonus Firefly Set.  OVER 100 Pages of Buggy Learning Fun!!!

Bee Themed Learning Games, Math, Reading, and Craft Activities 6.50
Tammy C. said:  “Awesome packet! My kids loved it!”

Bee Files

Page 5 – Printables to make a Bee Finger-puppet glove to go along with the five bees poem included.
Page 6 – Simple Bee Glyph to Color and  Take Home.
Page 7- Bee 10 Frames.
Page 8-9 – Bee counting puzzle.   Give page 6 to the student already cut up.  They glue the  pieces to page 7 and color.
Page 10 – Roll a Bee Scene. Print a few  copies, Laminate, and cut out five bee pieces.  Supply a  dice and 1 playing board and set of pieces per player.   First player to get all their pieces onto the blue backdrop wins.
Page 11-15 – Counting Game Students  work together to finish a puzzle.  They collect Bees along the way.  Game stops when puzzle is completed.  Count  the bees to find a winner.  Directions included.
Page 1617 – Race to the Bee Hive Dice Game
Page 18 19 – Little Bee Book Trace numbers and number words.  Color
Page 2022 – Two dice cover-up  games.
Page 23-24 – Dice Graph printables to make a graph.  Student rolls until one column is filled.
Page 25 – Bee Phonics Activity Sheet rhymes with Bee, beginning sounds, and trace
Page 26, 27, 28, 29 Craft idea Finger Bee Craft and Poem to Match.  Beehive Printable to use with craft.  Page 29 is just a ready to print version.  All you do is add the fingerprints.
Page 30 – Count By Fives Puzzle Print,  laminate, cut.  Students put the puzzle pieces  together.  Use as a center activity.
Page 31 to 35 – Bee Pocket Chart  Poem.   I read the poem and call on someone to match the picture to the text.

Bee Themed Calendar and Classroom Forms 6.00
15 Files of Bee Themed Resources to use in a Bee Themed Classroom. Start Back to School with a Bee Theme! These files are zipped. They come in Publisher or Word (if you own the programs you will be able to modify as needed). All files also come in PDF so that all can open them.  Buyer said: “Very helpful forms. I bought it for the newsletter template but will be able to utilize the other forms.”

Bee Calendar and Form Themes

1.) Bee Themed Numbers to 31 – Can use on class calendar. (Publisher and PDF)
2.) Bee Themed Months (PDF and Publisher)
3.) Bee Days of Week (PDF and Publisher)
4.) Bee of Week – Form for class student of the week. (Publisher and PDF)
5.) Bee ABC Display – Two letters print per page. (Publisher and PDF)
6.) Bee Schedule Cards – Laminate and write times on cards with Dry Erase Marker. (Publisher and PDF)
7.) Bee Thank You Card – Fold and send (PDF and Publisher)
8.) Bee Desk Name Plates (PDF and Publisher)
9.) Bee Table Numbers 1-6 (PDF and Publisher)
10.) Bee Newsletter Template – Change it to fit your needs. Type in Text Boxes. (Word and PDF)
11.) Bee Calendar Center Sheet – Have students complete one for each month. An easy Calendar Center. (Word and PDF)
12.) The Four B’s Sign (Word and PDF)
13.) Bee Conference Reminder (Word and PDF)
14.) Bee-utiful Work Award
15.) Bee Classroom Job Cards

Bug, Insect, & Caterpillar – Math, Reading, Literacy,  Activities, Centers, Apron 14.99
Over 30 Pages of Hands-On Resources (17 files) For you to   Print and Use with a Bug and/or Caterpillar Theme.  All PDF  files. I suggest you use these files with Preschool,  Kindergarten, and First Grade. The majority of the files are on a
PreK-Kindergarten level.
Buyer said: “Love that this has a variety of ideas, for math group and circle groups.”

Hungry Caterpillar Apron Set

1.) Pocket Chart Pieces Print out the pieces, cut, and  laminate. Use to re-tell the story as a class. Allow students to add the pictures of the moon, leaf, sun, and caterpillar to the  chart as you read. Mix up the days of the week and put them back  in order.
2.) Roll a Caterpillar Game Print out one game board for  each player. Print out one set of caterpillar pieces per player.  Students take turns rolling the dice and then selecting the  caterpillar piece they rolled. First person to roll all the
caterpillar pieces wins.  After the game, have students glue down  the pieces to make a caterpillar to take home.
3.) Caterpillar Apron All pieces and directions needed to  make the apron seen. Use to retell the story by feeding the  caterpillar the items in the correct order.
4.) Caterpillar Paper Bag Puppet All pieces and directions  needed to make the puppet seen. Use to retell the story by  feeding the caterpillar the items in the correct order. Have each  student make one by cutting out the pattern and gluing it to a  paper bag. They can take their puppet and story pieces home to  retell the story to a family member.
5.) Sleepy Caterpillar Story A mini book for your students  to make. They color the pages based on the color word used on the  page. Also, they add a number in the blank after counting the  leaves on the page. Once finished the pages are cut and either  hole punched or stapled to form a little book to take home and  share.
6.) Beginning Sound Match Up All pieces needed to make a  beginning sounds center. Each caterpillar has two pictures on its  body. Students place the beginning sound next to the picture.
7.) Read and Number Layered Book -A book for your students to make. Students color the pictures and write the number words on the line.
8.) Pattern Cards Ready to print pattern cards. Laminate and  use Velcro to attach the missing pieces. Store on a ring.
9.) Rhyme Game Print out caterpillar game board and the  butterfly cards. Cut out the butterfly cards. Stack butterfly  cards face down. Students take a butterfly card and look at the  picture and cover up a picture on the caterpillar card that
rhymes with the picture on their butterfly card.
10.) Counting Review Student fills in missing numbers and counts the objects and writes the number.
11.) Butterfly Glyph Materials and directions to make  Butterfly Glyphs. Includes patterns and legend.
12.) Ladybug Ending Sound – Letter mat with matching pictures.  Student places picture on top of correct ending sound. 2 write  the ending sound printables.
13.) Bug Graph Students cut and glue bugs onto a graph.  Students answer questions about their finished graph.
14.) Caterpillar Trace- Trace the dotted line to take the  caterpillar to a healthy snack.
15) Lady Bug Adding Student count dots to make a math  addition problem .
16.) How Many Ladybugs Pocket Chart Students count the  ladybugs on each leaf and match it to the correct number.
17.) Sort by Color, Count, TraceStudents cut out bugs, sort  them by color, write how many in the circle, and trace the color  word. To reuse with small groups, laminate and use a dry erase  marker.

Caterpillar Butterfly Life Cycle Activities 6.50
Games, Little Book, Pre- Math, Emergent Reading, Pocket Chart  Helper, and More for your Caterpillar to Butterfly Life Cycle  Unit. These files were created for Preschool and could also be  used for Kindergarten. Below is a list of each item in the set.
Carrie Ann S. said: “Good stuff! My students and I found a tiger swallowtail caterpillar the first week of school. We decided to keep it in our bug tent and it started forming its chrysalis that evening. I instantly knew what our first science project would be! This packet was perfect! Thank you!”

Caterpillar to ButterFly Set

1.) Butterfly Life Cycle Little Book – A six page color and  take home and share little book.
2.) Pocket Chart PiecesFour large stages of a Butterfly  Life Cycle – Eggs, Caterpillar, Chrysalis, and Butterfly.  Includes large set of words to match to each stage.
3.) Life Cycle Chart student cute, and pastes the stages  onto a chart. I have included this in color and black and white.
4.) Pre-Reading and Math – Trace the words: Eggs, Caterpillar,  Chrysalis, and Butterfly. Trace Numbers, Cut-out, and Glue  numbers.
5.) Activity Sheet – Cut and Glue the Next Stage of the Life  Cycle. Graph the stages.
6.) Counting using numbers 5-12 Puzzle – Cut the puzzle and  students put back together.
7.) Roll a Life Cycle Game – Students take turns rolling dice  and collecting a piece of the life cycle based on their rolls.  First person to roll and collect all four stages wins. Then they  may sequence their stages in order.
8.) Race to Become a Beautiful Butterfly Life Dice Game – Supply  1 dice and a playing marker for each player. Player picks a color  line and starts on the leaf. Players take turns rolling the dice.  First person to make it to the Butterfly is the winner.
9.) Roll 2 Dice and Cover Game

A ladybug life cycle unit that includes some early math and  reading activities. Below is a list of all items found in this  packet. I used these lesson fillers with Preschool. They would  also work for Kindergarten. Please see preview for more pictures  of items found in packet. 6.50

Lady Bug Set

(Pages 3-4) 5 Little Lady Bug Flap Book Student colors and traces numbers. The bugs disappear as the student read the poem and turns the pages.
(Pages 5-8) Various 5 Little Lady Bug Poem Formats for use.
(Pages 9 10) Counting Lady Bugs Pocket Chart Pieces or  Center – Student counts ladybugs and matches it to a leaf.
(Page 11) – Simple ladybug life cycle pocket chart pieces.
(Pages 12-13) Lady Bug Life Cycle Cut and Paste – In color and  black and white
(Pages 14-18) Lady Bug Life Cycle Cut and Past Wheel Craft – In  color and black and white. Spin the wheel and share each stage of  the life cycle.
(Page 19) Ladybug Cycle Cut, Sort, Count, Trace, and Graph – Student activity sheet covering many early math skills.
(Page 20) Ladybug Early Glyph Fun – Great way to introduce  data interpretation with the younger students. Work through the  glyph in small groups and let your students share their finished  glyph with a parent. Easyall you need are crayons!!
(Page 21) Ladybug counting puzzle – Print and laminate.  Students can put the puzzle together. How many ladybugs do you  see when you put the puzzle together. I like to print and bag a few of these to use in a center.
(Page 22) Ladybug Phonics Activity Sheet – Student worksheet.
(Page 23) Ladybug Roll and Draw Dice Game – Students take turns rolling the dice and drawing colored spots on a ladybug.   First person to get all six colors drawn on the bug wins.
(Page 24) Ladybug 10 Frames Student Worksheet – Students cut,  count, and paste the numbers.

Fire Fly Set

Click here to PURCHASE for 27.00

For More Free Bug Ideas – Click here!






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