March 31, 2025

Muddy Farm Chocolate Play-Dough

I wanted to create a mud themed play-dough for my farm themed play-dough mats that are part of my farm packet – click here.    I feel like a play-dough pro now since I have made many kinds of play-dough over the past year.  I came up with this recipe on my own and it turned out great.


So here is the recipe for the muddy chocolate play-dough

4 cups all purpose flour
1 large package of dry chocolate Jell-O pudding
3 and a half cups salt
5 and a half cups water
4 TBSP cream of tartar
5 TBSP vegetable oil

Mix all ingredients together in large pot.  Heat over medium-low heat stirring constantly until a dough starts to form and pulls away from the sides of the pot.  When dough is not longer sticking to the pan, remove it from the pot.  Let still until cool enough and then knead until it reaches a play-dough consistency.  I store my dough in the disposable Ziploc containers and they keep forever.  The smell of this is so fun…  It smells so good, I almost wanted to taste it.  I didn’t – could you imagine with all that salt?

This make a large patch for many students to enjoy.

I set the dough at my play-dough center in Pre-School and it was lots of fun.  The mats are from the farm packet (click here to see the packet)!  I just laminate them once they are printed.


Children can use cutouts to add animals, tractors, and more…


This student was busy…  I love the eggs that came out of the chicken coop, don’t you?


Add some little tractors to the play-dough area and the kids enjoy making roads and tractor marks with the dough…  Even I enjoyed it!

wpid-IMG_20131101_084923.jpgI plan to update my farm pages on Teaching Heart this month…

Click here for Farms

Click her for Cows that Type 

Farm Packet for Preschool and Kindergarten – CLICK HERE




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