March 10, 2025

Leaf Learning Fun in Pre-K!

Leaf Theme in Preschool

It was all about the leaf today!!!  One of my favorite things about Fall is all the colors of the leaves!  Started off our leaf day in Pre-K with two of my favorite Leaf stories…

Of course…  The Little Old Lady Who Swallowed some Leaves – Click here for some great ideas to match this story!
And The Leaves are Falling One By One which I have the scholastic CD which goes with the book and the kids love it!

If you can get your hands on some pretend leaves at the dollar store you can do all sorts of things with those.  They come in packs of 50…  you can sort them, you can sprinkle them over the kiddos head and have them rake them up with play rakes, you can have each child try to balance a leaf on a body part… Hide them around the room and go on a leaf hunt…  put them on a parachute and watch them fly all over…

Here is a picture of the little poem and pieces from the Teaching Heart Leaves pack.  I used Velcro to attach the leaves so we could recite the poem and take away a leaf as we went along!

 Leaf Theme in Preschool

All the pieces to make the above chart can be found by clicking here!

Also this page that matches the poem above is always fun and is part of the packet here!

Five Leaves Printable

We had some fun leaf crafts too…  You will be able to download the templates free in this post!!!

Leaf Fun in Preschool

I saw this salad spinner apple on Teaching 2 and 3 year olds and knew it would be fun to do with leaves…  so I borrowed three salad spinners from various friends… loaded up some squirt bottles with paint (fall colors) and gave it a spin.  The kids loved the magic of squirting some paint on their leaves, closing up the spinner, and using the spinner…  the magic leaves were so pretty when we opened up the spinners…

Leaf salad spinner craft

free leaf templates – page 2 contains the one I used on the craft above.

Here is a simple dauber leaf art activity…  using three fall colors the students filled in four circles on the leaves!

Leaf dauber art

free leaf templates – page 4 contains templates for this!

Here is a picture of the leaves on a bulletin board that my girlfriend Amy made using the leaves she made with her class using the spinners.  I love her colors!  Her pumpkins are super cute as well.  I love how she used string for texture.  Thanks for sharing Amy!
Leaf Spinner Art Bulletin Board

For more leaf and fall themed fun – click here!



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