March 4, 2025

Halloween Rings Learning Fun w/ Free Printables

Yesterday it was fun with macaroni Halloween shapes and today we will have fun with Halloween rings!!! PLUS…. I have four pages of FREE printables to share that go along with the activities.   This week has been full of free printables…  You love em?  You will love our fall Halloween packet then too.  Please check it out here or our CDROMs and other packets here.  Remember all purchases help to keep Teaching Heart online and sharing!!!  Ok, on to the fun stuff…  look at these lovely printables.  You can download them here in PDF for free, free, free, free… It is four pages of activities which you can see below.  If you missed the free treat shared yesterday, go here and learn about that!!! 

Grab a pack of Halloween rings from your dollar store.  I found mine in packs of 50.  I love that there are six colors in the bag.  That makes them even more fun and the learning possibilities even more endless.  Yeah!

You can sort them.

You can look at your sorting and create a graph to match them.

You can work on counting by placing them in the caldron to match the number.

You can use them as markers.  I used them to work on Kindergarten words.  But you could use them to mark off anything.  So much fun! 

You can see how many you can put on all your fingers.  You can put a few on one hand a few on the other and make a problem.  Here you see the math problem 2+4 = 6. 

Work on multiplication.  Ask your students to put them in groups to make a multiplication problem.  Three groups of three rings is 3×3=9.  Roll one dice to tell you how many groups and another to tell you how many are in each group.  So if you roll a 2 and a 4, you would lay out two groups with four in each group.  This would make 2X4=8!!!  Hands-on FUN if I do say so myself!!! 

I am sure you can think of a few other ideas…  if you do, please comment and share. 

For more fall learning click here. 



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