March 31, 2025

Leap Frog Sing and Learn With Us Review.

If you have some of the other Leap Frog videos and think that the characters on this will be similar to Tad found in LeapFrog Leapster¸ Educational Video: The Letter Factory, you would be wrong. This video is totally different than the originals. I suggest getting LeapFrog Leapster¸ Educational Video: The Letter Factory first and then purchasing this video. The Letter Factory focuses on Letters and the sounds they make. The Letter Factory is the best DVD for teaching your kids what pre-phonics skills, in my opinion. Sing and Learn with us is a nice DVD to show once the Letter Factory has been viewed.

Sing and Learn with us includes new characters; Al, Og, Meg, Izzy and Gus. These toe-tapping characters perform 12 animated sing-along shorts focusing on developmental reading skills; such as, short vowels, phonics skills (word building) and comprehension – skills perfect for the preschool to first grade crowd. Great for those kiddos that have some knowledge of the sounds letters make and who are ready to start building CVC words. The music included is fun and catchy, and it’s easy for kids to follow along on the screen with the words being highlighted as you go. It is nice to always see all the words on the bottom of the screen. A beginning reader can follow along and read while watching. My Pre-K child enjoyed the DVD very much. It is 30 minutes and it seems to cover enough material without overwhelming the child with too much details.

The DVD also doubles as a DVD-ROM, where if you put the DVD into your computer drive, you’ll be able to access 12 printable sing-along storybooks and 3 printable coloring sheets too! The activities are a perfect way to continue learning and having fun!!!


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2 thoughts on “Leap Frog Sing and Learn With Us Review.

  1. Leap FROG you say???? Hm, where did I just see a frog? Oh that right. my place.
    I love the leapfrog videos. We have letter factory and word factory. LOVE THEM!!!!!

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