March 11, 2025

Plastic Easter Eggs Make Learning Fun!

This is an old post; but, it is FILLED with Plastc Egg Learning that you cannot misss!!!

Plastic Easter eggs are fun to fill, hide and hunt, but the teacher in me always sees learning possibilities in every fun toy or product I come across.

My Three Year Old is still working on her shapes. I draw common shapes like circles, squares, triangles, hearts, diamonds & stars on the eggs with a sharpie. I hide the eggs and then she shows me what she has found. She tells me what shape is on the egg. For a challenge, use a variety of colored Sharpie permanent markers and challenge your preschooler to find the red star, the blue circle and so on.

Another thing she still has not gotten is recognizing her name. I put the names on slips of paper and put them in the bag. We draw an egg from the bag, open it, and then read whose egg it is.

We also sort them into groups of like colors. Count how many of each color there are. She loves this!
Grab an egg carton and place a color dot in the carton. Have your child find the egg that matches that color and place it in the carton over the same color.
For older kiddos, place a picture on the bottom of each space in the carton and on an egg write the letter sound the picture starts with. Hide the eggs. As they find the eggs, they place their egg with the sound on it over the correct space. For example, if they found an /a/, they would put that egg in the space in the carton with an ant in it. If they found and /f/ they would place their egg in the carton with a picture of a fish in it. I do this with both of my kiddos. My daughter just tells me the letter she has found and then together we place the egg. My older son can place his eggs independently.
My six year old, loves addition problems. On one side of the egg I write a problem and on the other side I write the answer… he has to put the eggs together to find the answer. When he is done, I check quickly to make sure he got the correct answer. Something fun for him to do while I make dinner!!

Similar, put rhyming words on the eggs. They must match up the word to a word it rhymes with. Perfect skill for k-2 grades!!!

We also put sentences in 4 eggs. We hid the eggs. My son found the eggs and read each sentence and put the sentences in order. Then reread the story he had made… For example:

1.) First we have Palm Sunday.
2.) Next we have Good Friday.
3.) Finally Easter is here.
4.) Easter Morning we go to church to celebrate!
1.) Once upon a time there was a boy named Nathan.
2.) Nathan loved jelly beans.
3.) He loved them so much that he once ate 1,000 Jelly beans.
4.) His belly hurt from what he had done.

It is great seeing them manipulate the sentences to place in order. This activity works on reading and comprehension skills.

Ideal for grades 1-2. If you were doing this in a classroom (as I have in the past), you would simply place four eggs in a Ziploc baggie. The students bring the eggs back to their seat. They would open the eggs and organize the sentences in correct order. In grade two they would rewrite the sentences in their journal and illustrate the finished story.

Put spelling words or sight words in the eggs and hide them. As your child find the egg, they open it and read the word. Then they spell the word for you.

Multi Age Idea –
On a rainy day find a small puzzle — about 25 pieces. Place a puzzle piece in each egg. My daughter (the toddler) would find the hidden egg and then give it to my six year old who would open it and try to work the puzzle as the pieces were brought to him.
As you can see all of these activities can be set-up in minutes. All you need are the eggs and the rest of the supplies you should have around your house… Go have a LEARNING blast with those eggs!!!

Eggs Around the Web

Look, there are more ideas for those little colorful buggers…

The Ramblings of a Crazy Women Shares Some Easter Egg Games

Teaching Two Shows You a Rhyming Game she made!

Learn How to Make Your Egg Hunt Educational!

Geeky Housewife shares 50 Things to Do With The Eggs!

Different Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

For Many More Fun Sping Ideas, Visit this Sping Index!!!

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6 thoughts on “Plastic Easter Eggs Make Learning Fun!

  1. Followed the link on Catholic Icing–so glad I did! You have some great ideas for use at home and in the catechism class I teach. I've been picking up interestingly shaped plastic eggs (rabbits, ducks, etc.) at the dollar store with the idea of using them for learning manipulatives. I think some of your ideas will work great with them! Thank you for sharing!

  2. I love the rhyming game with the eggs. My 3 year old did something similar with capitol and lower case letters. Thanks for the ideas and linking to my blog.

  3. What great ideas! I’ve been thinking of some to do with eggs and sight words for my little guy too. Love your blog, I’ll be back for sure! I’m a former teacher also but it’s so much more fun teaching my own! 🙂

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