March 10, 2025

April Fools Day Ideas…

Friday is April Fools Day…  Here is my 2010 post with some ideas + one I added for a new spin…

Have you fooled your kiddos today?

It’s pretty hard for a four year old to understand the concept of April Fools…  But my seven year old gets it and I had a good time last year playing a few tricks on him.  I started by putting a fork in his cereal bowl!  I layed out pj’s for him to put on for the day.   At dinner we had breakfast.  At bedtime I put princess sheets on his bed and Star Wars sheets on my daughters bed. 

This year, I have plans for a gag lunch!  I already started by setting the clock back an hour so he was in bed at 7:30 rather than 8:30.  I will fill him in on the prank when he wakes up pm April Fools. 

Check out these donut seeds:

Plant them and maybe you will get this…

Small April sobbed I’m going to cry
Please give me a cloud to wipe my eye
Then April Fool she laughed instead
And smiled a rainbow overhead.


Q: Why are people so tired on April 1st?
A: Because they just finished a 31-day March 🙂


If it thunders on All Fool’s Day,
expect good crops of corn and hay.

Visit Mrs. Jackson’s Class Website Blog for April Fools’ Day History, Lessons, and Resources

For More Spring Ideas:

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4 thoughts on “April Fools Day Ideas…

  1. Simple but great ideas! I have a 6 year old and a 3 year old. Plus I am also a teacher! Love your blog!

  2. My son TAPED down the handle on the sprayer hose on the kitchen sink. It was meant for me, but got his sister. She was drenched…lol. He'd better watch out next year!

  3. I haven't even played ONE joke yet….I need to think of one to play on my running partner tonight though. Thanks for reminding me 🙂 !
    Thanks for your prayers and support, by the way!

  4. What great ideas!!!! I love them! I'm doing that gag lunch next year for sure!

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