February 15, 2025

What toys were a hit?

Now that some heavy playing has happened at your homes, which toys were hits and which ones were misses?  I would love to hear your faves and the ones you wish you would have left on the shelf. 

Legos and a few Wii games were on my eight year old boys list.  He loves his Legos of course and he is buidling this as we speak; LEGO City Set #8404 Public Transport !  It will provide him wit

h a few hours of fun for a heavy price.  Gotta love Legos, wish I

would have invented them.  The LEGO Book is another toy (well it is books)  that has
seemed to really got my son’s attention.  Also, here is a big hit with my son…  He loves this Loopz Game!  My hubby and I also had fun playing this unique game…  kinda reminds me of Simon Says. 

My four year old daughter had Zhu Zhu/Go Go Pets Hamster Funhouse (Hamsters Sold Separately) on her list as must have.  She has been having fun with the Zhu Zhu pets but she loves her new My Little Sandbox Mermaid and Friends, Baby Alive Baby All Gone – Blonde, and Strawberry Shortcake RC Vehicle the best as far as I can see.  She loves playing with those. 

Both of the kids have been enjoying Nickelodeon Fit.  I am very happy to see my daughter finally playing the Wii.  She had been scared to touch it until she saw her younger cousin play this and then she gave it a tried and loved it.  She gets quite a workout. 

Now, I have to share the favorite toy…  My daughter got this one in her stocking and both kids love it.  It has been the most played with since it left the box.  Drum roll……………

Yes, for under $20.00 bucks both of my kiddos have been having a blast with the Yada Yada Yada (Colors May Vary)!  Oh-my!  It records your voice and then you can play it back and make your voice sound slow or fast!  It’s been a hit!  They both love it!
As far as misses… 

Fisher-Price The Sing-A-Ma-Jigs- Dark Purple – I thought my daughter would be more into these…

What were your hits and misses this Christmas?  Did Santa do good? 

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1 thought on “What toys were a hit?

  1. We are loving the Just Dance and Just Dance2! Can't get enough! I just got the Michael Jackson version yesterday. I can't wait to try it! You can borrow them sometime!

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