In my classroom I always made Gingerbread Houses with my students. It was always a fun time. I carry the tradition on at home. My Children make their own house each year. I buy the Wilton Gingerbread Houses on sale at the end of the Holidays. I can usually get them for around three bucks each. I pack them away with my Christmas decorations in Jan. and pull them out the following November.
This year I decided to have a Gingerbread decorating party… Ok, two Gingerbread decorating parties. One for my daughter and her four classmates and another for my daughter and some of her closest buddies. So my daughter made a total of three houses this year. Next year I am planning on having a party for some of my friends which will include decorating minus the kids, some friendly competition, wine of course, and a few laughs… so if you are a personal friend please buy a gingerbread house on sale this season and give it to me in Nov. I will assemble and we can all decorate one night together!!!
For my daughter’s parties I preassembled the gingerbread houses a few days before the event. I made a total of 15 houses. I think it took me a total of two hours to do. I watched this youtube video that helped me very much!!! I am a visual learner. I do have some added tips.
Wrap a small piece of card board in red paper to place each house on. I also added the icing to glue it to the platform. This is what mine looked like:
I also had a few snacks… mostly stuff for the hungry mommies…
It was tons of fun to plan and do… Hopefully I can do another adult version next year.
I have a page on Teaching Heart devoted to Gingerbread… Check it out here!
I love gingerbread too! Always did a big unit with my Kindergarten and now do the same with my own kids. This year I discovered Gingerbread Play Dough ( Love it! Merry Christmas!
Can't wait for the grown up version.