My son went back to school today. He is growing sooooo fast! These first few years of school have flown by. I better be careful, if I blink he will be heading to college. I need to bottle my kids up and keep them the ages that they are now. They are just perfect age wise!
Well… with that said (tears wiped away)… I am glad so many of you liked the edible crayons I made! I found a few other back to school treats online that I wanted to share too. I already shared some on the facebook page and wanted to post them too. They are fab for back to school!!! File this post away in your favorites for next year!
Aren’t these super cute? They are from Pen and Paper Flowers. They would be a fun fall treat too! What a cool, cool website! You have to check out the Chutes and Ladders party there too!
Time to wash all this down with some yum!!! Now, I have wanted to share this coffee post for a bit! My girlfriend makes some yummy iced coffee.
I just saw this one. Ha. I could use a glass of iced coffee about now. Mmmmm.