March 3, 2025

Moo…. It’s Monday!!!

Heading into week six of a healthy me! Had a pretty good week (week 5)! Unfortunately, no loss to report… but I had to have gained muscle this week with all the working out and three hours of shoveling  and throwing very heavy snow. I have to say, I should hurt terribly from all that shoveling… but all my working out must have paid off because my shoulder blades only hurt a bit and I can lift my hands above my head. I do recall a time after shoveling, that my arms would not lift above my head.

Weight loss:

I am not too bummed that my scale did not change this week. Four pounds last week and 11 pounds total for 5 weeks is good!! That is still more than 2 a week.   Five more weeks of this I will be 20+ pounds down!


I did boot camp three times this week. I ran five miles on Tues!!! That is a break through for me! Only five more to go till 10 miles!!!  Exercised five days this week. 

So, this five weeks of boot camp is over. I have decided to do one more five week session. It starts up on the 15th. I will miss my favorite boot camp buddy once I start again!!! It definitely won’t be as fun without her there. The run around will definitely be boring without having her to catch up with before we get out butts kicked.
Check out these links:

Friends That Exercise Together Get Better Results!

Diet Friend of Foe – Thought these were funny… I think have fitted into each of these sterotypes one time or another.

Calories Burned By Shoveling Snow!

Well, I better get off to the treadmill while my kids are still entertaining themselves.

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3 thoughts on “Moo…. It’s Monday!!!

  1. Congrats on the loss so far that is GREAT news, and I agree love your attitude!

    I'm following along we can be loosing buddies!

    Good luck with the 2nd round of bootcamp 🙂

  2. I love your attitude! You worked it hard last weekend and built some serious muscle. I wish I could afford another bootcamp. I want to hear all about the next session! Keep up the great work!

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