Here I go, eat clean, Here I go! Here I go, Gonna get a New Rear this year!
Here I go, exercise hard, Here I go! Here I go again, Colleen’s gonna get it done!
Yes, it’s gay… but I can’t stop singing it!!! Yes it’s cheesy, but if you know me, I am a bit cheesy!
So I have been down this road many a times since I had my first child. Start out really well and just never make it more than a month… I really can’t figure out my problem. I never finish this problem of mine and get it done and fixed. I start at it… loose a few pounds, gain them back, loose again… and you get the picture. It’s weird how this one part of my life I just can’t get right! ugh! It sucks big time!!! Worst part is, I exercise more than the average person. I exercise pretty hard too (kuddos to me)!!! So that leaves the diet part – that always gets me good. I am hungry right now thinking about what I can eat today.
Funny, but I love to Google and I was Googling Diet and Exercise Resolutions and found out I was not alone with having the same resolution year after year… look here and here ! Plus, some of my favorite bloggers have similar New Years Resolutions or some good ideas about resolutions… Like this one , o, this one, and look at this!
Then there are the tips to succeed here and here and the list goes on…
I know the benefits of getting this weight off… Live longer, look better in my clothing, exercise will be easier, and my kids will have a positive role model. I even know how to loose weight… In college I gained the freshmen 25 and lost it the following summer by doing Weight Watchers and counting my calories. It seems like once I had kids, it seemed to get more difficult for me to loose this stubborn weight.
So what’s going to make this time different? I am not really sure. I have some different tools and maybe that will help. I will pray harder??? God wants me thin, right????
I am doing a Boot Camp and the trainer seems to keep me motivated. Plus, I am (with my boot camp trainer’s help) changing my eating habits to a more clean way of eating. I have two products that I am using to help me eat clean… They are the magazine Clean Eating and Eat-Clean Diet
: Fast Fat-Loss that lasts Forever !. This week I used the 7 day eating plan in Clean Eating
to start myself off on the right track. So far so good – just started day 2. It was easy because I could just look at the grocery list in the magazine and know what to buy.

I have my blackberry with me most of the day… so I can just quickly type in a food, get the calorie count, click I ate this, and then the little program determines how many more calories I can eat to loose the weight I need to. It really is so cool and right up my alley!!! You can learn more about it at: http://www.livestrong.com/thedailyplate/blackberry-calorie-tracker/learn/ They also have it for the iphone. If you do not have a blackberry, no fear… You can use it online for free at
If you are a blackberry user, there is even more fitness apps. out there. Go here to learn more! The only one I have tried and downloaded is the Livestrong one… but the others look interesting.
Well here is wishing you the best of luck with your New Years Resolution. Hopefully I will be back over the 2010 year with positive updates about my journey for good health and a NEW REAR in the NEW YEAR!
21 days to make something a habit and nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!!
PS. I mentioned a few products and services in this post, all are my own opinions and I was not paid to mention these or given the items for free… just my take!
I admire the fact that you never give up and you never make excuses! You go girl! This is the year!….and you do excercise hard!
LOL- your song makes me smile… I love it! I am also going to remember the nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!! I did awesome my 1st year… almost back to my prepregnancy weight and then year 2 I gained 35 pounds 🙁
Good luck!