October 25, 2024

From Apples to Applesauce

Last weekend we went apple picking. It was a first for my kids and they LOVED it! They had lots of fun running through the orchard and picking their apples. The next day my son went to school and it was his library day. I always love to look at the books he picks. Most of the time he gets three and they are always Non-Fiction. For sometime he was bringing home books on Spiders. Just when I thought we had read every book his school library had on spiders, along comes another spider book. It got to a point where I had to tell him to pick another topic. Then it was the Navy. He would bring home a Navy book every week. This week he brought home three books… One was on Space, one was on Halloween, and another was on Apples. He picked the apple book because we had just been to the apple orchard and he saw a recipe in the back of the book for applesauce… So we used the recipe today to make apple sauce and it was GREAT and EASY! A fun recipe to do with kids…
If You click the first picture above you can see the super Easy Recipe… Basically, take four apples (core & peal & cut them). Place them in a half a cup of water and simmer for 15 – 20 minutes. Then add a 1/4 cup of sugar and a pinch of Cinnamon. So easy and so yummy.

It made about four small cups of applesauce. Also the book from Apples to Applesauce is very good… with lots of good facts, vocabulary, and pictures.