March 28, 2025

Organizing Your Summer Junk, I mean Stuff!

I love organization… not everything in my house is organized, but when I make something organized that was once a mess, I smile inside and out! I love little plastic organizers too much… I actually think I may have a problem, I can’t leave a Target without getting some sort of plastic organizer (that may be another blog post)…

Anyhow, one of my fave gal pals, Amy (which you all probably think I mention her so much that you would read her blog if she had one — I know!), made this nice little summer box. Basically a Tupperware box filled with summer things. Most of the things are very inexpensive. Here is her suggested list of things to put in your summer box:
Do you feel like you need a plan for this summer? Start by creating an organized summer fun kit! Here is what you will need to fill your kit:

1. A large Rubbermaid container (to put everything in)
2. Homemade bubbles or store bought
3. A variety of bubble blowers (use kitchen utensils for something different)
4. Shaving cream ( to paint with or spread with hands)
5. Paint for paper (tempera) or sidewalk (crayola)
6. Paint brushes (a variety of small and large) and sponges
7. Paint containers (Lillian Vernon or recycled containers)
8. Paint smock
9. Big pieces of paper (for fence painting)
10. Bug catcher
11. Sidewalk chalk (hopscotch and jelly roll)
12. water balloons (5 and up)
13. playdoh and tools
14. squirt bottles or squirt guns
15. telephone (2 cans with a string)

Along the same lines… My other favorite gal pal – Rebecca (who I mention lots too and has a blog too) has a great post on using laundry baskets to organize her summer toys.

Don’t I have the “neatest” friends???
Today I took a picture of my park container… It is kept in my car and contains ready to use toys for the park.So what do I keep in my box???

Big Frisbee

Shoe Box of Sidewalk Chalk and some stencils
Squirt bottles (enough for six kids)
Magnetic Dart Game
Picnic Blanket
Well, I hope this inspires you to get your summer “junk” organized.

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6 thoughts on “Organizing Your Summer Junk, I mean Stuff!

  1. I love to organize things–I'm so happy when it's done. But, the big question is how to KEEP it organized. After a week, it looks like well, junk, everywhere again.

  2. Thanks for mentioning me, I feel famous now. OK, time to go organize something. Naaa.

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