February 8, 2025

Here We Go Steelers!! – Gift Idea for the fan!

My brother will turn 29 on Thursday and he is a HUGE Steelers fan. So huge that my kids cannot be in the room while he watches a game because of his Steeler potty mouth! Anyhow, here is his Birthday Present.

What makes this special and blog worthy is the bag I used. I used the tote bags you buy at the grocery store as the gift bag! They are only $2.00 and big enough and sturdy enough for about anything. I am sure your town may have these with your local sports team on them. They make great git sacks.
Here is what is in the bag… Steelers Hat, Steelers Apron, Munchies for the game, & a gift card to Dick’s so that he can buy the Ski Gloves he wanted!

Want some Superbowl ideas for the kids?

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