Do you see our little pumpkin hanging on the tree?
Just thought I would share a simple fun activity that will keep the kiddos busy. By now you may notice a theme with my kiddos activities… “Keep them busy so mom can sit back and watch…” Not sure if it a good parenting tip or a poor one. It works for my son because if he is busy he stays out of trouble (trouble meaning bothering his sister). Thus, mommy stays nice and happy and doesn’t loose her cool. Same goes with my daughter just on a different level. Of course my favorite activities are the ones I set-up and then sit back and watch or read or type while the kiddos keep busy.
My 2 1/2 year old didn’t enjoy it as much… she would rather just play in the leaves. Plus I think it involves some fine motor skills that she is not quite ready for yet… The baggies are pretty small and you have to push the leaves in while stuffing and closing the baggies. We will try again with her next year.
So here comes another Keep Them Busy activity…
These baggies were in sale at my grocery store. They are like the mini versions of the large leaf pumpkin bags. My six year old had a blast stuffing them and then I would hang them on the tree.
If you try this activity, I hope your kiddos find it as fun as my son found it. He is all about decorations and I just love how excited he gets about halloween!