Dry Erase Snowman
Sheets. Slip in a sheet protector or in a clear
Provide a dry erase marker. Student traces
letters, numbers, and draw the parts on the
Theses are found in our Snowman
Learning Fun Packet - Click Here.

10 snowballs for our snowfriends. This printable
game is found in our
Snowman Learning Packet!
Provide marshamallows amd you are set.

Counting Buttons: Cut ten snowman
shapes from construction paper, decorate, and
with numbers and number words one through
Supply children with buttons they can place on
the snowman according to what number is on the
Use all of them or just one through five
depending on the child's skill level.
Laminate or cove with clear contact paper to make
them last.
Counting Books: Staple
together six sheets of white paper folded in half
to make a simple book.
number the pages from one to ten, let children
stick on the correct number of mini snowman
stickers to each page.
They can decorate the cover too! Great for
small motor skill development!
some experiments with snow & water.
Will snow melt in the fridge? How about the
How about in the classroom? Why? Why
What temperature does it have to be to keep the
snow from melting?
Place different containers of snow in the
different areas and have the children observe
them over time.
You may want to teach them about reading
thermometers. Record your observations and
discuss them.
Glyph: here are the directions for your kids to
follow for this wintery glyph!
2 snowballs for girls,
3 for boys
Cut out your color eyes
for your snowman
Carrot nose if you like
reading best,
celery nose for math
black top hat if winter
is your favorite season, winter cap (ski cap) if
another season is
1 button if you come to
school in a car,
2 buttons if you walk,
3 buttons if you come by bus.
Scarf to the left if you
are left handed,
to the right if you are right handed.
(similar to Hangman)
Select a spelling word, as in hangman. Indicate
the number of letters by sketching blanks on the
board. Beside the blanks, draw a snowman (or
woman) complete with features and accessories.
(You want at least ten distinct parts in the
snowperson--body, eyes, nose, mouth, buttons,
hat, scarf, etc.) Let students take turns
guessing letters. When students guess a letter
not used in the word, erase one part of the
snowperson. Continue to play until a student
guesses the word or the snowperson has been
completely erased.
For variation, create a list of sentences using
students' vocabulary words. Write one sentence on
the board, leaving a blank where the vocabulary
word should go. Sketch a snowperson above the
sentence. Let students guess which word best
completes the sentence. If an incorrect word is
guessed, erase one part of the snowperson. See
how many sentences students can complete before
the snowperson melts away.

Here is a picture of part of a reproducible book
from pur CDROM. You may try to make your own or click
here to learn about the CDROM.
Each page in the book
has a snowman in it. The student choses a color
to write in the blank and then colors that part
of the snowman.
I like your _______ hat.
I like your ________
I like your ________
I like your _______
and so on...

Here is a center idea.
The reproducibles seen in this picture are from
our CDROM. Click
to learn more.
You could make cutouts
of snowmen. Program one with a contraction and
the other with the two words the contraction
makes. The student matches the two.

Here is a cute writing
activity. The students pick a winter word and
write a cinquain about the word. They type up
their finished product. Print it and place it on
a doylie. Then have the students make a snowman.
The poem goes on the belly.

I got one of these ball boards at Oriental
Trading. I use it in many different ways during
the winter months.
I place point values on
the rings.
Inner red ring = 50 points
Inner green ring = 40 points
Outer red ring = 30 points
Outer green ring = 15 points
Spelling - we break off
in two teams and form two lines.
One person from each team stands at the front of
the room. Those two people are given a word. Then
they start spelling the word together.
For example, the word is snow. One student from
each team is up front. Team 1 student says /s/.
Team 2 student says /n/. Team 1 student says /o/.
Team 2 student says /w/. Team 1 student gets to
throw a ball at the target. Then their score is
recorder on the board. The two players get to go
to the back of their lines and the next two come
up front and repeat with a new word. If one of
the students was to say the wrong letter. The
other team wins the throw. If you have played
sparkel - this is very similar.
Math - Each student in
the class throws a ball. We graph the colors they
land on.
Math - Each stundent
throws the ball twice and adds up their two
Person Glyph
This glyph come from the book :

Graphs, Venns, & Glyphs : Hundreds of Great
Data Collecting Activities to Build Real-Life
Math Skills. I have
modified it a bit.
Have students cut three
snowballs to make a snowman. Then have them
decorate their snowman as follows.
Head gear
Ear Muffs - I am a girl
Hat - I am a boy
On a cold day, I'd rather...
dotted mouth - drink hot chocolate
regular smile - drink eggnog
frown - eat soup
mittens - I love to play in the snow
gloves - I'd rather stay inside
In winter, I'd rather...
purple = go sledding
red = build snowmen
blue = throw snowballs
When it snows, it's best when school...
Triangle = is closed
circle = is delayed
square = closes early
Winter is...
Solid color = my favorite season
multi colored = not my favorite season
Here are 2 more glyph
Activities - You can get printables by
clicking here!

Words Lesson #1 - Use the Word Winter to make
in win tin ten net tie
tire twin wire went wine twine write and winter
Words Lesson #2 - Use the Word snowman to make
am an man Sam saw was
won now own snow swan swam women snowman
Have the students sort
sn-, sw-, -am, -an, own
If you are not familiar
with Making Words Lessons please see the book


Snowman on stick http://familyfun.go.com/recipes/snowman-on-a-stick-699309/
DLTK has some great craft
Color, cut, and glue to make this easy snowman
Paper Plate Snowman
Look at this COTTONBALL

Try Deforsty the Snowman from Family
Taste of Home has a recipe for Cauliflower
for a clasroom party filled with snowman games?

Above is a cute laundry
basket made into a snowman.
The students try to throw a snowball (Styrofoam
ball) into the snowman from various lengths away
to score a point!
I just printed out a snowman pattern I made. You
can click here
and here
to download the hat, note, eyes, and mouth. Then
I laminated it. After that I hot glued it to the
white laundry basket (dollar store).
. a fun Snowman game.
Come see my guest post
over at the Organized Classroom Blog for more
great party ideas. Click
made this cute little snowman game below. I
used a dollar store hamper. The kids had a
blast throwing Styrofoam balls in his
mouth. It was a hit!
(Printables for that will be in the
Snowman Learning Fun Pack Click
You could use these as a learning game as
well! Students answer a question and if
they answer correctly they get a chance to make a
shot. They get a point if they make the
shot. This is also great for a winter
classroom party.
I made a similar one
here it is free to download!

a Snowman Scene

a roll a winter scene dice game. (Remember the
fall free one here)!
All you need to do is print one playing card per
child and a set of playing pieces per child. Cut
out the playing pieces or have the children cut
them. Each child takes turns rolling the dice and
putting the correct picture on the scene. When
all the pictures are on their scene, they win.
Then let them glue the pictures onto their page
to take home. CLICK
student must roll and draw the pieces on to the
The snowman needs a hat, scarf, broom, eyes,
nose, and a mouth. Once he has all that, you win!

Click here for the
Below is another free
version of roll the snowman. Cut out the pieces
below and lay them on top of the snowman.

You can download a
preview and a free roll a snowman activity
here for the free sheet below!
Amaze your students. Put
a little of this powder in their hands, add
water, and watch snow appear. It is so neat!
Snowcream with your class.
All you need per serving
is about 4 cups of snow.
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup sugar (o, let them live a little)
1/2 milk. I used 2% milk.
Let the kiddos Mix it all up and then let them
eat it


Make Ping-Pong Balls
into snowman heads. Use them for various