July 16, 2024

Nail Polish Teacher Appreciation Topper!

Just had a little Spring Thaw with a few friends to welcome Spring! Here’s my attempt at all the flip flop  wreaths seen on Pinterest!   All dollar store – about 10 dollars to make.  Took me about 12 minutes to throw together. My glue gun and cardboard cut base were used to make this! A little […]

Teacher Summer Facebook Status…

Are you on Facebook???  Do you LIKE Teaching Heart?  If you do, you may have seen the picture below on the Facebook Page yesterday.   It was a hit…  So, if you did not see it, what do you think?  Have you said anything similar during the summer? Ok, I was asked to rewrite the First Day […]

How You Know Back To School is Around The Corner… (Part 1)

Last year at this time of the month,  the Teaching Heart Facebook Fans shared their thoughts on how you know it is Back to School Time.   All of the comments were so true and many funny because as teachers we all can relate.  I will being sharing a few now and then through the month […]

Teacher Tidbits…

“If you promise not to believe everything your child says happens at school, I’ll promise not to believe everything he says happens at home.” ~Anonymous Teacher With this post be ready for some Teacher Hodge Podge… -Updated the Mitten Theme Page. Deleted dead links and add some other things… Enjoy:http://www.teachingheart.net/mitten.html –Do any of you use […]

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