March 10, 2025

Can I Find one Mom or Teacher that hasn’t Read…

Is there anyone out there that hasn’t read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle to a child??? Here are some idea to go along with this loveable book! First Click to Watch this adorable video! STORY SEQUENCE: Provide a long piece of yarn, a hole punch, and patterns of the different foods (apple, pear, […]

First Grade is too Early to Learn About the Birds and the Bees…

My son brings home books every week. They are allowed to take out three books. My son often runs to the nonfiction section and picks out three books on the same topic. For weeks he was bringing home books on different bugs and then for weeks after that it was different forms of weather. Later, […]

Love me Some Gingerbread Houses!!!

When I taught I would always make Gingerbread Houses with my students. The kind you make out of milk cartons and graham crackers. I even have a unit on Teaching Heart all about Gingerbread… click here. Then I had my own kiddos and every year we have our own tradition of making Gingerbread houses. I […]

Rolling Out Treats and Fun With Idioms.

It has been a rainy weekend here in the Pittsburgh area. I told my daughter yesterday that I wish it would stop raining cats and dogs. She looked at me funny and said… “It is raining water not cats and dogs, Mommy!” I explained to her that I was just saying something silly. My son […]

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