July 16, 2024

The Kissing Hand and Other Back To School Books

I am a huge fan of Children’s Literature. One thing I never pass up buying is a Children’s book. If my kids ask for a book, they usually get it. We have baskets of books everywhere in my house and a shelf of children’s books in most rooms. I admit that I am somewhat obsessed!

When my little man was 18 months and we moved him into a big boy bed, we read him children’s books related to this transition…

When we started potty training, we read him books on the topic. Similarly we are doing this with my daughter now.

When he was going to have a baby sister we read him books on becoming a big brother.

This is one parenting tricks that works for us… It seems to make conversation about given topics flow easier. Children are visual and children’s literature provides the visual as well as easy to understand words. Soooo….. here we go again! We have been reading many back to school books at my house. My son is going to Kindergarten this year and I have pulled out all my First Day of School Books from when I taught. He is having a blast hearing these stories. Books make transitions so much easier. If your child is on his or her way to Kindergarten, you have to read The Kissing Hand. First read it to yourself (get the tears out) and later read it to your little Racoon. It is wonderful! You can hear & see it read here:

For many other back to school books:

Above is the
book with the Read Along CD!

It has such a great song on it about the
Kissing Hand!