July 16, 2024

Charlie Brown Is Here to Thank You!!!

Drum Roll… Our giveaway of thanks is over! Thanks to all who took the time to enter. If you did not win this time, don’t worry 2010 will have a few more giveaways! I wish I could give every visitor a treat. Just know I think each of you is something special just for the fact that you are looking for ideas to better the life or education of a child by visiting Teaching Heart!!!

So our grand winner is…

The Marlatts said…

~Lou Ellenmrsmarlatt at yahoo dot com

Congrats Lou, please email me your shipping address!!!!

Our five runners up that get to choose on of these products from Teaching Heart…:

Jo Shabo said…
I am a follower of your blog- love it!sunshine12345678@hotmail.com

Angie said…
I posted about your giveaway on my blog. http://angies2angels.blogspot.com/2009/11/giveaway-at-teaching-heart-mom-blog.html

ckboo said…
Please enter me for a chance to win! ckclifford@insightbb.com

Anonymous said…
I’m a facebook fan.Michellenever2muchfabric@ownbeys.com

Tam118dans said…
I tweeted about this.Tammy DanielsTam118dans@aol.com

ATTENTION>>>> If you are a winner, please email me your shipping address (by December 11th – all items will ship on the 14th) and the CD of your choice. Again, thanks for playing!