March 28, 2025

Summer Challenge: 3 things every little kid should do this summer!

Teaching My Little Bookworm posted a challenge called Summer Challenge: 3 things every little kid should do this summer! I thought I would add three to her list… so far she has

1: take a walk in the rain! The cold front finally came goodbye 90’s hello low 80’s (daytime) and 50’s (nighttime) but it brought a light rain and it was fun!

2: Catch Fireflies/Lightening Bugs! my LO had a blast watching them light up!

3: Look for Frogs and Toads! the baby frogs and toads were out they are SO super tiny and cute! We had fun looking for them too! 🙂

My Three

1: Run through the sprinkler! I surprised my kiddos the other day when we were on a walk and one of our neighbors had their sprinklers on. I stopped pushing my daughter on her bike and yelled to my son (who was ahead on his bike), “Z, watch this…” and I ran straight through the neighbors sprinkler… My son’s mouth opened and yelled, “Mom, you shouldn’t do that!” Then I let the kids run through once… I guess being spontaneous with your kids over the summer months would go along with running through the sprinkler.

2: Visit a different park each week! One of the things I love about summer is park time. Pick a park, call a friend, and go! You could even try some of these free park activities!

3. Play in a stream… find a stream in your woods or if you are lucky and have one in your backyard, play in that! My friend has one in her backyard and my son loves going over there to play. You could even take clean meat containers (the kind they pack the ground beef in) and float it down the stream, life a boat.

What 3 things do you think every Little Kid should do this summer? If you list 3 things leave me a comment. Feel free to list your three in the comments section. I’d love to read them and hope over to Teaching My Little Bookworm and let her know too.

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1 thought on “Summer Challenge: 3 things every little kid should do this summer!

  1. fun! I bet they will remember you running through the sprinkler even when they have LO's!

    Streams are soo fun we have lots of turtles in ours!

    thanks for participating i loved your list!

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