February 22, 2025

Muffin Tin Math with Hot Chocolate Center Fun!


Serving up some Muffin Tin Math in second grade this week (great thing about this game – it can work for any grade).  Have you used the muffin tin for math fun in your class?  I love that I can change the center to match the math we are working on in class.  I used it for the first time this week in my second grade class and the students had a blast.  I love when they have fun learning and don’t even realize they are practicing previously taught skills.  I definitely will be pulling the muffin tins out regularly during math center time.


Here is how we played in my class.  The object was to get three or four in a row.  Students played in groups of 2 as they rotated through math centers.  Each student was given pom-poms of one color as playing pieces.   I made an X with masking tape on the carpet of where I wanted them to stand.  They took turns throwing the pom-poms.  If they land in a math problem, they wrote it on the white board and solved.  Then they looked at the bottom of the muffin paper to see if they got the correct answer.  If the answer was correct they kept their pom-pom in the spot and it would be the next persons turn.  If they got it wrong they removed the pop-pom and it would be the next persons turn.  If they landed in a blank cup, then they stay there unless someone else is there.  First to get 4 or 3 in a row – wins!  They loved this.  I can use it in so many ways.  Love it!


We also played a hot chocolate math game from the packet above.  You can learn more about this packet, by clicking here. 

wpid-20160120_081448.jpg wpid-20160120_103700.jpg wpid-20160120_081533.jpg We also played a hot chocolate math game from the packet above.  You can learn more about this packet, by clicking here. 



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