March 28, 2025

Tears will flow…

This is a must read book for the first day of school. Great to read to grades k-2 and even grades 2-4 would enjoy this cute book about a racoon named Chester who is ready to start his first day of school. In the story the raccoon talks about his fear of going to school. Most of the fears will be very familiar to primary aged children who are just getting back to school. Chester’s Mom helps him feel loved and secure by kissing the center of his hand. She reminds Chester that her love is always right there and if he should feel frightened or scared or lonely he should simply hold the hand to his face and he will feel her love. Read this story through a couple of times before reading it to your class. If you are a sap like me, then your heart will warm up and a tear will appear in your eye. I love this book!

Many teachers choose to read this book to their class on the first day. The children can relate to the little raccoon in this book. On the first day of school there are many mixed emotions everywhere. Some children are so excited about starting school and some don’t every want to leave their parents or their home. I always choose to read this to my class on the first day of school. It is a great way to discuss how the Raccoon is feeling. It also allows children to see that they have a connection with Chester. Many children will state to their classmates that they too felt the way Chester felt on the first day of school. As a class we will often chart out our fears for the first day and some of the things we are excited about. Another activity that I like to do with my class after we finish the story is to give them each a piece of paper with a circle on it. I have them write their name on the circle and draw how they are feeling about the first day on the circle face. I come around and look at the circles and talk one-on-one with the students. I let them know that it is ok to draw a sad face in the circle and that it is ok to be a little bit scared of the first day of school.

For some great ideas and printables to match this book, please visit…

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