October 22, 2024

My baby in K…

I originally wrote this for my son when he went to Kindergarten.  It doesn’t seem that long ago and now my baby girl is on her way to grade K.  I was going to rewrite the poem, but found that I am having the exact same feelings as I did a few years ago… so I just rewrote a few things.
My little sweet girl starts Kindergarten tomorrow. It’s hard to believe this day is already here and she really was THAT little. I hope that her start to school is a good one. May God be by her side and watch her when I am not around. May she remember all the things we have taught her about being kind and polite.  May she grow to love reading like her big bro.  May her lively spirit brighten the days of many as it always brightens my day!
To C-C:
I know you are ready for your your first K day!
It’s seems easy for you to jump on the bus and ride!
Mommy will miss her little sunshine ray,
And having a chatter box by my side!
I wonder if the teacher will know just
how special you are to Daddy & me.
And if the brightness of your heart is something she will be able to see.
I wonder if you will think about me
and if you will need my hug.
I know I will miss the sound of your voice
and how you often give my leg a tug.
I wonder if you could possibly understand
how hard it is for me to let you grow.
On this day know that my heart breaks
for this is the first step in letting my baby go.
Love, Mommy!