March 10, 2025

Grade 3-4 Summer Book Club – Marvin Redpost

My son recently participated in a book club for kids.  My girlfriend’s soon to be fourth grade daughter had an idea to do a summer book club with some of her summer friends.  Her mom does it with her friends, why shouldn’t she???  Well, leave out the wine and it’s kid friendly!  Seriously, it was a great idea and another reason to get excited about summer reading.   Her daughter selected a series called Marvin Redpost.  The four participants going into grades 3-4 selected a book from the series.  Each participant independently read the book they selected and created something to share about the book.  

The ideas were very creative…  One of the girls dressed up as the Queen and retold Kidnapped At Birth? (Marvin Redpost. .  She was a beautiful Queen…    Another retold Class President (Marvin Redpost, No. 5) (A Stepping Stone Book(TM)) with a flag background.  She even asked the participants what they thought was something a good citizen does.  One of the boys who read Super Fast, Out of Control! (Marvin Redpost, No. 7)… did a beginning, middle, and end picture to retell the story to his friends…

A girl who read,Is He a Girl? (A Stepping Stone Book(TM)), did a video of what would happen if she kissed her elbow!  It was super cute and looked like she had so much fun creating it with mom!

Another boy made a comic strip to match,Magic Crystal? (Marvin Redpost 8, paper).

After the kiddos shared, my friend’s daughter instructed all on how to make bookmarks.

 The kids seemed to really enjoy this and they all were great listeners, paying attention to each of their friends…  Great practice for school in a week!  A special thanks to my daughter’s friend for the great idea!  Can’t wait to do it again next summer.  I already know what book my son wants to host!  Yeah!!! 

Teachers, Do You Need Great Ideas to Match the Marvin Redpost Series???

Here is a Louis Shafer Unit Study Complete with discussions for many of the Marvin Redpost Books.

-Here is a file with Literature questions to match the book, Why Pick Me.

Here and here is a Readers Theater to go along with, Why Pick Me.

My Son Read Marvin Red Post Super Fast and Out of Control.  I asked him these three questions…
1) Why was Marvin scared to ride down Suicide Hill?
Marvin was scared to ride down suicide hill because he thought he was going to die. I would be scared too if I did not know how to ride the new bike.
2) Marvin’s sister Linzy is terrified of something. Explain what scares her and the advice her dad gave to cope with this fear.
Linzy is terrified of thunder and lightning. The advice her dad gave her was it is all in her head.
3)Casey Happleton shares a story with Marvin about someone who rode down Suicide Hill. What happened to this person?
Casey was telling Marvin a story about a kid that rides his bike down suicide hill and his tongue was sticking out of his mouth, so he bit it off and they could not find it.

What a great idea to do a summer book club…  Thanks L!  Here are some tips to help you start your own book club for kids. 

I found these tips for starting a children’s book club, very helpful!

I also found this site, Book Club for Boys that is worth checking out!

Here is a post about how to create a GREAT kids book club.

The book The Kids’ Book Club Book: Reading Ideas, Recipes, Activities, and Smart Tips for Organizing Terrific Kids’ Book Clubs as seen below looks great for ages 8 and above clubs.  I want to look this one over!!! 

 One of my neighbors does a mother/daughter book club and she recommened this:
Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs

For more Marvin Redpost Books – Click Here!!!


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