March 28, 2025

Busy at VBS Pandamania…

I decided to teach VBS at my church this week.  I have a third grade class and we have been having lots of fun during our “Together Time”!  I get to teach a lesson each day based on the Theme and Bible story of the day.  It’s lots of fun…  Here is some of the fun we have had. 

Today we talked about how God Watches Over You – THANK YOU GOD.  We went over the Bible story about Jonha and the BIG fish.  We made fish scenes with bible story stickers from Oriental Trading.

After we saw the story acted out and we heard the story read to us, we played a board game in our crews.  It had us answer questions about the Jonah bible story. 
Yesterday we made shaker Pandas to go along with the Theme, God Hears You!!!  Just two plates stapled with rice inside.  The template for this craft came from First School.  On the back of the plate the kids taped a little reminder of how the Shaker Panda reminds us that God Hears You.
YOU MADE a Panda! 
My ears stick up because I like to listen.
My ears can remind you that 
God Hears You!!
In today’s bible story, Elijah called out to God,
and God listened to him.  God always listens to
you too no matter how softly or loudly you pray. 
Shake this Panda and you hear.  Think or say a prayer and God will hear.  He may not send fire like he did in today’s bible story… but He always listens to you.  Remember, GOD MADE YOU AND KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED!
Thursday we will hear about how Peter Denied Jesus Three times…  We will make a Rooster to remind us that God Loves Us No Matter What.

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