I found some awesome Mitten Resources on other blogs that I MUST share…
I will need to update this Mitten Page and add these fun ideas…
Here is a blackline from our CD. You could make a class book and title it, My Mitten Was So Big. Give each student a mitten shape page with the sentence, My mitten was so big that a ____________ fit inside it. Then the student fills in the blank and illustrates their sentence. Click here for more Mitten Ideas!!!
What the Teacher Wants shares some great ideas too…
Click here for the Mitten Idea!
Not sure if the download is working yet, but the idea is cute!
This blog (Swamp Frog First Graders) is pretty awesome… I think you will agree. Lots of sharing going on here. There are many Mitten ideas too with great printables…
Check out Animals in The Mitten Probability Activities !
Then check out Counting On Mittens
Lastly, check out Mitten and Hat Number Sentence Sort
Be sure to check out Teaching Heart’s Winter Warm Up Packet for some Mitten Themed Printables as well.
I have a copy of this story;The Missing Mitten Mystery (Picture Puffin Books)
coming to me soon. I saw this activity from Our Random Acts of Reading!!!
Hope a few of these ideas will warm up those fingers for winter learning!!!