March 31, 2025

Moo… It’s Monday!

Yes, I am still here and I still have goals in mind…  First being that shirt I would like to wear before the end of August.  I just need a little break from thinking about calories in and calories out.  I think after this week I will back at counting calories (which is the only way I seem to be able to loose weight is being anal about the number of calories I hit a day!)  Ugh, I am a bit frustrated…  but a little break is often what I need to come back strong.  Good news, the weight I gained on vacation is off now!

Still running.  I logged 22 miles this week!  Wahhhoooo!  One day I ran with the family in what felt like the hottest run ever!  Ugh!  It sucked and felt so good when it was over.  With the heat, I have been hitting the treadmill.  I am trying to get faster so that I can finish six miles in under and hour at the end of September for the Great Race.  Curious what other runners do to get quicker?  I would love to hear your suggestions if you are there????

Here’s my plan for twice a week.  My get faster plan!
(once a week)

Warm up with 5 minutes of walking and 10 minutes of easy running. Then run for 2 minutes at a fast pace that’s just short of a sprint, followed by 2 minutes of jogging; repeat the entire sequence 4 times. Cool down with 10 minutes of easy running, then 5 minutes of walking.   Should be a blast!!!

Have a healthy week!

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