March 12, 2025

Moo… It’s Monday!

Back from a vacation to York Beach, Maine…  I took a vacation from my diet and I am sad to report the scale went up five pounds in a week  I am disappointed in myself.  I know what went wrong.  Eating tons of junk and too much of it.  Too much wine and beer too!  I was bad and really it wasn’t worth it at all…  five pounds up…  bites!  I really hate posting this…  but I know I need to be accountable and this is how I do that by blogging about it!  On a positive note;  I ran 15 miles while on vacation! 

On vacation my brother-in-law would bring awesome cheeses and wine to the beach.  That was probably the diet killer.  Way too much cheese!  It was good and tasted so much better on the beach with wine. 
So moving forward with this big road bump!  Hopefully next week I will loose this 5 and be back where I was. 
Vacation was good, not just the food.  My hubby and I celebrated 13 years of marriage!  Here we are!
The kids had a blast too.  My niece is a year younger than my daughter and my nephew is three years older than my son.  So both kids have a playmate!

If you are going on a vacation this summer, I hope it is a safe and fun trip for you!

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6 thoughts on “Moo… It’s Monday!

  1. You're crazy. This is what's wrong with society. It's not about the outside think about how you feel inside. Meet me for a run you will leave me in the dust. Literally, I will be face down on the ground while you are cruising along.

  2. Thanks everyone for the nice comments. Jen – Ugh, I can never wear that suit around your skinny self.

  3. Great post. You look great in the pics. I really like the Lands End bathing suit. Same one I bought only in a different color. Guess we can't hang at the pool together this year.

  4. Looks like lots of fun! Congratulations on 13 years! And don't be too hard on yourself – you look awesome!!! Plus you got lots of calcium from that cheese!

  5. Cheese is such a weakness for me and did you say wine???? I'm so glad everyone had a good time. Congrats on the 13 years, that's awesome!!!!

  6. If it makes you feel any better, I always gain 5lbs. on vacation! You will be back on track in no time. You look so good in the pics you posted!
    I give you a ton of credit for being accountable and honest. Keep your eye on the prize (the running shirt)! You can do it!

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