Looking for a fun summer party idea? Have a Beach Towel Swap!
Tell each guest to bring a new Beach Towel that costs under $10.00. Ask them to purchase a towel that they would buy for themselves. Maybe even a towel that tells a little about their personality! They should bring it in a brown paper bag with the idea that it is top secret which towel they have purchased. After all guests have arrived at your party, unwrap the towels and lay them out. Number each towel.
To play the game: Give each player a piece of paper and ask them to number it 1 – 10 (or how ever many towels you have). Go around the room and have each player give a clue about their towel… Some of our clues were (It’s nice and big and will keep you warm, It has a color in it that is one of the colors on my wall in my living room, It was a deal at a markdown from 5.99 to .99, It’s FUN for kids and adults…) After each player has given their clues allow everyone to check out the towels and write next to each number whose towel they think it is. It’s okay for guests to ask for people to restate their clues.
Once your guests have written down their guesses, it’s time to reveal the towels. Display each towel and ask the person who purchased the towel to stand up. Each player can circle their correct guesses. The person with the most guesses correct wins a prize!
I found the sea shell box at Michael’s on sale rack for .99 cents. I then added a Yankee Candle Beach Walk 22 0z. Candle
, Get Beached Margarita Mix
, Sarris Candy Flip Flops
, Chocolate Smores Candy
, and some sea shells.
Now it is time to swap the towels. The person who got the most correct guesses picks a towel first, then the person who got the second best scores picks a towel, and so on and son on till all the towels have been swapped!
It really was fun but BOY, am I terrible at guessing games.