March 14, 2025

Recipes to Use With All Those Eggs!

We boiled a ton of eggs this Easter Holiday.  I tried two healthy and clean recipes with the eggs.  They were yummy and I wanted to share incase you were looking for something to do with all those hard boiled eggs. 

Deviled Egg – Not Quite

This idea actually cam from Katie, my boot camp coach.  She said to take the yolk out of the egg and put hummus inside.  It is a  awesome!  You really should try it!  Just buy your favorite hummus and boil some eggs.  Mmmmm!!!  I also saw this recipe for Hummus Deviled Eggs.  I did not try this one, but it looks much better than the traditional recipe that includes Mayo!

Clean Egg Salad With NO MAYO!!!
I read online that cottage cheese could be used to make egg salad rather than mayo.  So I found a recipe and tweeked it a bit and came up with this.  I am guessing it is only about 90 calories a serving. 

.25 cup fat free cottage cheese
1/2 tbsp rice milk
1/2 tsb of RiceVinegar
1 tsp mustard
4 hard boiled eggs whites
1 hard boiled yolk
2 Tbsp chopped green onion or red onion
2 Tbsp chopped celery
dash curry powder
.25 tsp sea salt
dash of garlic powder

1. White cottage cheese, vinegar, and milk until smooth in medium size bowl.
2. Blend remaining ingredients except egg whites with cottage cheese mixture.
3. Add diced egg whites to cottage cheese mixture. Mix well

Number of Servings: 2  Mmmm, it was yummy!

Let me know if you give any of these a try and how you like them!

Here are tips on boiling the perfect egg!

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1 thought on “Recipes to Use With All Those Eggs!

  1. They both sound really good. I'm almost surprised by that, since I love mayo so much but I can't wait to try these recipes. Thanks!

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