March 4, 2025

Turning Four!

It is hard to believe that our Cindy Lou Who is now four.  As I type she sits on my lap curled in a blanket.  It’s amazing how fast children grow.  It seems like yesterday when we brought her home from the hospital.  Now she is a smiling, talking, “I’ll do it myself!” kinda Gal!  She loves her big brother, princesses, playing with friends, and kicking around the soccer ball.  She dislikes food in general; unless, sugar is the first ingredient.  Yes, she is pretty remarkable and I feel so blessed that God choose me to be her mom.  I pray I can help her be a loving, kind, happy, and healthy child and then adult! 

Anyhow, I wanted to share some fun we had at her birthday…  Mostly a hodge podge of Tinker Bell, Frog Princess, and Hearts! 
The Snacks:
Homemade chocolate covered pretzels, hummus and red peppers, trail mix with popcorn, white chips, v-day M&M’s, and raisins, princess crackers, strawberries, and blueberries….
The Cake:  Tinker Bell made with The Wilton Tinker Bell Cake Pan!  My favorite thing about making these cakes is the reaction I get from my kids when they see the finished product.  It makes it all worth the pain of mixing the icing colors and spending at least an hour decorating the cake in hopes it will resemble what it is meant to be.  My daughter said, “Wow, Mom…  this is so pretty, I love it!”

Party Favors:  Tinker Bell on the outside.  Inside there was a CD of my daughter’s favorite songs (many our Lady Gaga songs – the girl has taste).  Also a Valentine craft, bracelets, a stuffed dog, and a few other treasurers only a child could love and a mom can’t wait to throw away when they aren’t looking.  Plus, my mom made yummy sugar cookies in heart form.  They were the size of the kiddos heads.

Game: Kiss the Frog.  Printed out a large frog, glued it to poster board and the children spun a round and tried to stick a graphic of lips on the frogs lips.


Crafts:  Make your own wand. Melissa & Doug Arts &Crafts Decorate Your Party Favors Wooden Princess Wand .

I love a good party and this one was lots of fun…  Added bonus was that the kids had fun without lots of expense.  At age four they just want to dress-up and play together! 

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2 thoughts on “Turning Four!

  1. That is adorable. And I love what she said when she saw the cake. That must have made your heart feel so good. Keep up the great work Mom!

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