March 4, 2025

Candy Hearts Math

Grab some hearts from your local candy store and you have many math lessons in a box of Yummies!  Below are two ideas; one for estimation and the other for graphing. 
Draw a large heart on a piece of paper. Give Each student a box of Hearts.
Have him Estimate the number of hearts that will fit in the heart. Then have him see how many really fit in the heart. 
Was your estimation close to the actual number?
The activity sheet shown above and below is from Teaching Heart CDROM #3 – Click to learn more.
Graph Them:
Give each student a box of candy hearts. Have the students color the graph to match the hearts they have. After they have the graph colored, have them trade with a friend. The friend can answer the questions on the back using the graph. The first graph is for grades k-1. Have your students lay the hearts on the graph. To make this more difficult 2-3, create a graph that allows your students to color the hearts and then answer questions about their graph.
The activity sheet shown above is from Teaching Heart CDROM #3

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