March 3, 2025

Moo… It’s Monday!

Week three down and heading into week four!  It was another good week of clean eating and lots of great exercise.  I can feel myself getting stronger.  Watch out! 

I have to start off by sharing this picture:

Could I please have this mirror???  Wouldn’t this be the best? 
Through my mom’s group we were entertained and informed at last weeks meeting by my girlfriend’s husband, David.  He is the Operations Manager for Allegheny Imaging of McCandless in Pittsburgh, PA.   He spoke with us about the importance of having a mammogram.  Anyhow, in his presentation, he showed many funny slides (as well as informational details about breast cancer)…  but I LOVED this picture!  I had to share it with all the Moo, Monday readers!  So, where can I get one of these?  Hee-hee!!!
One of the things David mentioned was,  researchers suggest that women should be advised to avoid weight gain during adulthood to decrease their postmenopausal breast cancer risk.   Just another great reason to take off all this weight I gained during and after pregnancy.  The Nation Cancer Institute says;
“Gaining weight after age 18, specifically after menopause, increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer after menopause, whereas losing weight after menopause can reduce the risk, researchers at Harvard Medical School have found. They say that many cases of breast cancer could be avoided by women losing weight after menopause.”
I knew that weight gain in general is not healthy, but I did not realize that it increases your risk for breast cancer…  More fuel for my fire!
Weight Loss:
I lost a pound this week…  I was disappointed after such a big loss last week…  but I do know that slow and steady will win the race.  So, I am down a total of 7 pounds!  I’ll keep chugging along this week. 
Still eating clean.  I tried a few new recipes this week, that I hope to share in the future…  I cheated this week with a non-fat Mocha at Starbucks and it was almost too sweet for my tastes.  That was kinda a good feeling. 
My friend let me borrow Eat This Not That! 2010: The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution.  It was neat to thumb through and see a healthy alternative for a craving.  Check out their website…  I likes this article on the top 8 Fitness foods
Similarly, I love the website; Hungry Girl!  Have you checked that out?
I found this article (worth a read)…  It talks about the website the Daily Plate (I use this still to count calories)!
I did boot camp M,T, and W.  I ran four miles on Thurs.  walked a mile.  I rested on Sat. and ran 2 miles on Sunday.  I have three more weeks before I start real training for the 10 miles at the end of April. 
I love boot camp.  If you can find one, you should try it.  I have two more weeks left in my camp.  🙁  Hopefully I can convince my hubby to let me do another 5 weeks.  This is why I love it:
Top Five Reasons I “Love” Boot Camp:

1. I never loved exercise… It’s a chore, but my BC instructor makes it tolerable. I still don’t LOVE to Exercise, but I “Love” the feeling of knowing I accomplished the task of completing an AM at Boot Camp. I am always tired and sweaty, but strangely energized after camp?

2. NO EXCUSES: I can get my exercise done before the kids are awake and my husband has to go to work. I can’t make excuses because who can say they have plans at 5:30 in the am!!!

3. TIME FLIES: Time goes by quickly when my BC instructor engages us in so many types of exercises. Going from station to station keeps me active and interested, as opposed to my treadmill workouts when I’m counting down the minutes until I’m done. At bootcamp, I’m often surprised to look up and see the hour is over!

4. Aerobic activity and strength training is done in one workout.

5. Everyone is very supportive… Being one of the “weaker” bootcampers, I don’t feel like anyone looks down at me. No exercise snobs and it is nothing like this episode below (hee-hee!):

Well here’s to week four!  Good luck to all trying to achieve your goals!

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2 thoughts on “Moo… It’s Monday!

  1. Yeah! Great job! You are on track and extremely positive! You can do it! Can I go as your friend on Sat? That will give you another chance to win another BC!! You deserve it!

    PS. I love MOOO Mondays!

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