March 3, 2025

Moo… It’s Monday!

Week two down of working towards a better me! I have to tell you that, I rocked this week… Yeah me!  I just pray I can keep up the rocking!  So often I get started on a healthy program and loose interest.  That isn’t going to happen this time…  Fingers crossed!

Here’s a hodgepodge of my week for those who care to read:
Weight Loss:
Week Two and I am happy to report that I lost…. FOUR pounds this week!!! Wahhhhooooo!!! Brings my total to six pounds. I ate really well this week. Kept it clean and kept my calories at 1,500 with a cheat day of 2,300 calories (but I also ran/walked four miles this day)… I think I ate all clean this week! I hope this isn’t just a honeymoon stage – but, I wasn’t craving sweets this week, so that helped me.


I did boot camp FOUR days this week… M,W,F,S – I also ran twice this week. One time for a three mile run and a mile walk. Another time for a two mile run. 

I also signed up to run 10 miles at the end of April. I am way nervous about getting ready for this. However, maybe it will motivate me to work towards something! I have been looking at running websites and reading about half-marathon trainng plans. Here are the sites I have found most useful (with more to come in another Moo Monday post:

The 10 Mile Training Program I am going to use.  Is there a better one?  Let me know!

I just love the name of this Blog and she has some nice posts too…  Chubby Chicks Run Too!

Lots of great stuff at Cool Running!  I once did the couch to 5K running plan and it was great.  I downloaded the podcast from Itunes which made it super easy!

There are so many running tips.  Here are some for eating when you run!


I love Ezekiel English Muffins with my Natural Peanut Butter and my All Natural All Palmer’s Jelly on top. YUM! I even decided to make my son a few Natural PB&J sandwiches. I was looking at the ingredients in the Smukers Frozen ones and did not like what I saw. I made a bunch of my own and froze them. I can take one out in the AM and stick it in his lunch.

I was amazed at how breads even have the High Fructose Corn Syrup in them. It took me sometime to find a bread that was all Natural. My husband thinks I am weird getting rid of high frutose corn syrup from my food and most of the kids foods. O-Well!

Hummus has always been a favorite of mine, but it is a huge treat now… I have it on everything and with all veggies.

I made this recipe this weekend and my family loved it.

Check out these two You Tube videos that my Boot Camp Instructor sent out this week…. Makes you think?

I like diet soda…  But I haven’t drank one it too weeks.  This video is for regular soda.  O-Yuck!

This one is about HFCS!


Well, if you are trying a new exercise or diet program I would love to hear any tips you have in the comments section. I am a new runner so any running tips are greatly appreciated too.

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3 thoughts on “Moo… It’s Monday!

  1. Keep up the good work. I lost four pounds in two weeks but I managed to gain it back. I'm working out like crazy and watching my food intake it's hard. I'm also never eating fast food again except for subway.

  2. Yeah! That is awesome! I'm so impressed with your commitment and strength. You literally aren't giving up physically and mentally. Stay strong! This is your year!

  3. Good for you girl!!!
    I'm going to slid one of my green smoothies into your coffee mug the next time I see you. You'll love them!

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