March 3, 2025

Moo… It’s Monday!

My New Years Goals sound simple enough… Get Healthy in 2010! Basically loose 30-40 lbs this year (now that doesn’t sound as easy when you put it that way…)!!! As I said here, I will try to keep you up to date on my progress, thus holding myself accountable. I would love to hear about your week in weight loss or good health!

Here’s a hodgepodge about my week for those who care to read!

Weight Loss:

This was my first full week of diet and exercise and the scale is showing a 2lb loss. I was hoping for more during the first week, but I will take that. I am still playing with the number of calories I should be eating. I am using the Daily Plate and I found out two days into my diet that the Daily Plate was calculating my calories a little too high. That is too bad, because those two days were easy!!! Haa-haa! Hopefully I have the calories calculated right to make sure I loose weight vs. maintain. I ate clean most of the week… I did slip and found myself scarfing down a handful of chocolate chips. Oppppsss! But no wine this week and I really need a glass. Oh, and I did have a piece of Fudge on Saturday that I would have never had if someone hadn’t given it to us as a gift and I felt obligated to try a piece. On a positive note: It is now packed and in the hubs car for him to take to work.


Did three days of Boot Camp this week. PLUS: I ran 2 miles on the treadmill once this week. I did a Spin Class once this week. Lastly, I walked 1 mile and ran 2 miles on the treadmill. That is definitely an A+ week of exercise for this bod! I think my big butt may be is shock.

I am also playing with the idea of running a half marathon in May. I have NEVER run more than a 5K… I figure maybe if I have a BIG goal I will work towards that. Also, I may be running a 5K in April with my sister-in-law.

I keep telling myself that running these two things will be easier if I am thinner. Hopefully I am listening to my words of advice to myself. I sure am full of it!

I learned this week:

I love Naturally More Peanut Butter! It is sooooo good! I bought it at Sams Club and I think I may be in love. “Naturally More easily differentiates itself from other natural peanut butters with the added benefits of Omega-3, fewer calories than other peanut butter competitors, 25% more protein, and 50% more fiber than regular brands currently on the market.” I love the texture and taste of it. Sooooo, awesome!

I am no longer scared of Avocados. Yes they are full of fat and higher in calories than I think they should be… but they are working for me this week.

Stevia is great in coffee. As good as Splenda. I even put it in my workout water with half a squeezed lemon.

I miss my creamer… but Rice Milk is okay. Nothing will beat Coffee-mate. I miss you Coffee-mate! 

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

Here’s to another week of success for me and anyone else who is working on getting rid of some pounds.  Good luck to all and to all a week of clean eating!  Smiles! 

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3 thoughts on “Moo… It’s Monday!

  1. 2lbs is great!!!! Imagine the inches you are also losing. I'm proud to stand next to you in bootcamp and call you my friend! I think this is your year! You can do it!

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