March 13, 2025

Hodge Podge on a Snowy Day

I got an award today from a fave blog.  I so enjoy reading the blog Casa Camacho and I am excited to hear she likes to read Teaching Heart Mom as well.   O, look… she gave me this Sunshine Award.  Sunshine!!!  I really need some Sunshine in this cold wintry snow globe I am living in.  Ugh!  Casa Camacho is full of Sunshine herself…  You will know why I enjoy her blog when you read the posts; Cookie Exchange (you know I love those),Unbirthday (I love a good kids party), Getting Organized (I love good organization tips), When the Kids are Bored (my goal is to keep them busy),and  I Spy Placemats (she is full of great ideas)!  Those are just a few that caught my eye.  Thanks Bobbi!

The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity & creativity inspires others in the blogworld! 

The rules for accepting this award are:
1. Post the logo on your blog.
2. Pass the award on to 10 bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within your post.
4.Let the nominees know they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person you received this award from.

I would love to pass a little sunshine on to these 10 bloggers in hopes of brightening their days:

1. Ramblings of a Crazy Woman
2. Make and Takes
3. Kristi Ternullo Photography
4. flipflops and applesauce
5. 5 Minutes for Mom
6. This Mom’s Many Hats
8. Momma Findings
9. Little Fingers That Play
10. Tip Junkie

Hey Tip Junkie mentioned Teaching Heart Mom in her 1,000th post…  I am thrilled to be mentioned in one of my faves blogs 1,000th post!  Thanks Tip Junkie/Laurie for being you!

Here is a video that sums up my week…  Hee-hee!  Only a few more weeks to go!

Can a blogger out there tell me what happened to the spell check and a share a video link???  ugh!

Happy Snow Day

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2 thoughts on “Hodge Podge on a Snowy Day

  1. I was reading through blogs and found my blog listed here – what a huge surprise. Thank you for valuing and recognizing my music and fingerplay blog. I have so many cute songs I hope you will enjoy coming soon. Thanks again – I will be sure to pass it on next week!

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