February 8, 2025

Teaching Heart’s Newest CDROM and Winners.

Today marks the start of our two week sale on our newest CDROM called, Any Skill Board Games and Skill Cards. This is great for teachers to use in centers or during small group instruction. Also, great for parents to use to review skills your child may be struggling with in school. The boards are attractive and will get your kiddos excited about learning the given skill. Get the CD this week for the introductory sale price of 20.95. Click here to learn more and to place your order.

I would like to thank all those who entered to win the CDROM. I used a random number generator to pick four winners. You could only win once! The four winners are:

17.) Angie said…
I’ve blogged about your giveaway. http://angies4sons.blogspot.com/2009/10/win-teaching-hearts-new-cdrom-and-more.html

6.) Nichole said…
I’ve been a member of the newsletter for a handful of years now, and I just became a member of your Facebook page!! YEA!!! 😀

8.) Bibliocat said…
I am an elementary school librarian. I received a grant a few years ago to make literacy bags for the kindergartens to check out from the library. I created or found online games to be included in the bags. Over the last few years I have been adding more bags to the library collection. The game CD Rom would be very great resource.

If you are a winner you will need to email me at cgallagher_1999@yahoo.com
and send me their shipping address to recieve their CDROM and printable.

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