July 16, 2024

My Pumpkin in So Big!

Seven years old today! What? Where has time gone? If the next seven years go as fast as the first seven, I will have a 14 year old soon.

This little guy has grown quite a bit since these pics. were taken… but he is still my baby! He may drives me crazy on some days, but on most days I smile and thank God for the gift of his precious life.

I close this post with a song I loved when he was a baby by Twila Paris and the words still ring true.

“Your Whole Life Long”
I pray the Lord will hold you close and keep you through the night
That you will wake up smiling in the early morning light
That He will always comfort you and make you brave and strong
I pray that you will follow Him your whole life long
I pray that you will grow up to be wise and good and true
I pray that you will please the Lord in everything you do
I pray that you will hear His voice and learn to sing His song
I pray that you will follow Him your whole life long
I pray that you will follow Him
I pray that you will follow Him
I pray that you will follow Him your whole life long
I pray the Lord will bless you with His presence every day
I pray he will protect you every step along the way
Help you love what’s right and lead you far away from wrong
I pray that you will follow Him your whole life

Happy Birthday Butter Man! I love you!